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Here are a few other good capoeira sites,
be sure to have a look at them.

Official Cordao de Ouro Site

The official site for Cordao de Ouro.
"Capoeira do Brasil"

A website rich in information about the different masters, groups and styles of Capoeira.

Cordao de Ouro Israel

 This site contains photos, songs and lyrics, a list of capoeira moves and how to do them, and a capoeira game .

Capoeira Corner

A site with pictures, a media section and a list of various capoeira moves with diagrams to help.

This site is from Graduado Capitao, who is a friend of Papa's that teaches in Israel.


This site is from Mestre Poncianinho and Professor Casquinha of Cordao de Ouro london.

Beribazu Bristol

A univerity club. Site contains information about capoeira and a list of various capoeira moves and how to do them.

Group Senzala

Visit this site to watch some videos of our teacher Papa Leguas.

(NEW) Cordao de Ouro Manchester

Our Brother club in Manchester.

Amazonas Group

Our Sister Group in London, run by Professors Rilene, Rejane and Boneco.

 Grupo Cordao de Ouro Mandinga in Latvia, from our friend Graduado Barrata.













Cordão De Ouro Nottingham